Credit Repair and Credit Scoring by Dan Beck -Scam




Basic information

What you need to know

What you know?

Read first..} I’m a student who has just finished university. Obviously, as most other just graduated students, I have a debt. My credit card has been my one and only big friend throughout the years and I can understand anyone that feels or has felt the same way! I envy the strict disciplined people that have no problem with money management and keeping an eye on what comes in and what goes out every single day. In short, the credit card has been {extremely

immensely} {kind


good} to me.

Obviously I am now in the position to do something about the debt I have built and my credit score. I should have a job soon, so I can really start repairing my credit. I read a lot of information on the web, some conflicting with each other and some not extensive enough for me and my position. Then I came across Dan Beck’s Credit Repair and Credit Scoring.


My conclusion

The conclusion

Personal conclusion

So, what now?} {{From the start

Since the beginning}} I was {convinced

persuaded} with the {authority


lawfulness} of the {creator


maker} of this book. I {researched





reviewed} his claims and {experience


background} and I was convinced. Also, I was {surprised




amazed} by the 60-day return no questions asked by getting this {valuable


expensive} {material



reading}. That means to me that Dan Beck has a surplus of {confidence


faith} in his product. I have now been reading for about a week and I am very satisfied with the content. I have experience in this field and I have knowledge of several issues mentioned in Dan Beck’s material. Also, the educational videos have proven very informational. Just simply go back a bit if you didn’t understand something at first. It’s {superb





magnificent}. I have been {busy


on duty} for a long time to fix my repair AND get my credit rating up. Dan Beck’s Credit Repair and Credit Scoring Education has taught me in a week what I have been reading and trying to understand for more than 2 months. {Big




Tremendous} source of {knowledge



facts} and I can really do something about my credit situation now.

Many MANY thanks to Dan Beck for his personal assistance, professional advice and thanks for Credit Repair and Credit Scoring Education.

{Credit Repair and Credit Scoring{ by Dan Beck}

Credit Repair and Credit Scoring{ by Dan Beck} Details!

Visit Credit Repair and Credit Scoring by Dan Beck!}

Credit Card Basics How and When to Use Them

The specter of insurmountable credit card debt keeps many people from using credit. While it is good to be aware of the dangers of misusing credit cards, one should remember that with proper forethought credit cards can greatly improve ones resource pool. Here are a few tips on using credit cards to maximum advantage.

1. Monthly Budget. A useful purpose for credit cards is to allow multiple, small repeating purchases to be consolidated into one lump bill. Most cards have a grace period where no interest is charged, typically within the first month. If the balance is paid by this date then the loan is free. Taking advantage of this can roll many monthly expenses, such as gas, food, and bills, into one bill.
The nice thing here is that monthly budgeting can be done wholly from one balance statement. Purchases can be tracked, trends noted, and adjustments made for the next month. Additionally, many cards offer cash back, points, or some reward system to encourage this use. If the balance is paid each month one can gain the benefits without the interest charged. But be careful only to charge what you can pay off in a month!

2. Watch out for Impulse buys. Impulse buying is a serious way to overcharge your card. The credit cards most appealing quality is the ease of use. You can buy anything with a simple swipe and signature. For many people, paying later is almost the same as never paying. This is not true!
To limit the impact of impulse buying, keep cash alongside the plastic, and try to only use cash when making purchases outside the monthly budget allowance. If you dont have a monthly budget, then that is a good place to start managing credit card debt.

3. Take advantage of deals. When credit cards offer 0% introductory rates it can mean a welcome relief from existing debt and interest. Shift balances to these new cards and enjoy a year or more of interest free debt. This method is great if you will be able to pay off a balance before the 0% deal is over, or if you have debt in multiple places. Just remember to update your filing cabinet with the new account numbers and card names, and cancel the old, empty accounts!!

4. Dont hold more cards than you can manage! When you get a new card or transfer balances, make sure that your total card count has not overwhelmed your ability to organize the bills and pay them on their due dates. Missing payments can result in hefty late fees. Also, balance transfers take up to 6 weeks, so dont forget to pay the “empty” card by the date due. If you are unsure whether you owe a payment, call the 1-800 number on the back of the card itself.
Another good strategy is to avoid carrying more than one card. Keep the others in a filing cabinet, safely away from cash registers.

5. Be Realistic. It can be easy to fall into the trap of believing you will be able to pay off a debt quickly and easily. Holiday purchases can lead to this mentality. The urge to put all of the presents on a credit card and then pay it off over the course of the year may be tempting, but be realistic about your income. A good rule of thumb is never put more money on a credit card than you earn in a month. This will keep the debt to a manageable level, even if you hit unexpected expenses or hardship.

6. Build your Credit. Besides the obvious advantage of purchasing things you could not otherwise afford, credit cards also build your credit rating. Using the tips herein to responsibly use cards will result in an overall increase in credit worthiness. The benefit? Lower rates, higher limits, and access to private bank loans otherwise unavailable to low credit consumers. Without established credit history (hopefully positive) it is almost impossible to get a good mortgage rate or car loan.

7. Know When to Ask for Help. Finally, if you get in too deep, dont be timid about contacting professional help. Do it sooner than later! Credit debt is a rolling snowball, so be sure to get in front of it before it gets out of hand. Credit repair services can help you organize you bills, consolidate them into single payments, and eliminate invalid debt from your balance. Miamis own Credit Repair Systems Inc is one such service, with decades of experience in credit use and guidance.

Verify Credit Card Details Whit Bin Database

BIN Database is online Bank Identification Number checking service. That will help to merchants and e-commerce shops to verify credit card details only by entering first 6 digits of customer credit card.

By using our card bin database, you can easily identify type of card, country of issue for most bins, issuing bank`s details. All of this information can be used in a number of ways to help you make sure that the cardholder has physical possession of the card and isn’t just using a card number obtained illegally. What is the BIN or IIN number? The first 6 digits of a bank card number are known as the Issuer Identification Number (IIN), previously known as Bank Identification Number (BIN). These identify the institution that issued the card to the card holder. Some digits after first 6 are help to identify branch location the card.

Bin database is power. Once you have access to bank identification number beyond a simple string of digits that is the credit card bin number, your risk management components can use that data to better estimate likelihood of fraudulence based on country of issue versus country of intended delivery. Questionable orders, for example where the card is issued by bank in Canada, but is being used to order a product to ship to Moldova, can be flagged for review and additional screening before order fulfillment can proceed.

Pre-filling card type and country information as well as displaying a matching icon dynamically on your forms are exactly the kinds of small touches that your visitors will notice and appreciate. It’s a fact: high customer charge-back ratio can break your business by significantly reducing profits or worse, causing suspension of your merchant account once you exceed pre-defined ratio (usually ~2.5%). With bank identification number you can cancel transactions that are fraudulent or carry high risk of charge-back is the only guaranteed way of keeping that ratio in check from bin database. Today`s typical customer is well accustomed to high-standard of user experiences across the web and we want to help you meet and exceed their expectations.

So as you can see, that this database is very important for the merchants, e-commerce and the consumer. All of this is available at

How a Credit Card Debt Relief Program Works

The first step toward taking control of your financial situation is to complete a realistic assessment of how much money you make and how much money you spend. Prioritize them and make sure you can pay the basics: housing, food and consumables, health care, insurance, travel and education. Write down all your expenses to track your spending patterns and separate the necessary expenses. Find out what interest rates (APR) you pay on each credit card. And be prepared you might be astonished. You may want to consider using a debt management group in order to consolidate your debt.

We encourage you to do some homework before making a decision on which company to use. Begin with checking out a few companies with the Better Business Bureau online. This will help you determine their past history. Find out what services the competitors provide, what success rate they have and what it will cost you. Credit card debt relief programs generally work with unsecured debts that are not tied to an asset like your home or auto.

A debt settlement program can provide credit card debt help through professional negotiations with your creditors. The outcome can be a debt reduction of 40 60% off what you owe. The program length is generally 12 36 months depending on the amount of monthly payments that fit your budget. There is a 48 month program available but not advised because creditors may not want to wait that long to receive total payment. They can also help you if youre in a bad credit debt consolidation. Credit card debt reduction programs also charge fees but they are negotiable with most companies. A debt settlement program does not show up on your credit report. But it will have an adverse affect on your credit score. How adverse of an affect depends on your present credit score.

A debt consolidation and management program may also be a viable option for consolidation debt help. They are generally non-profit organizations but they also charge fees. They can consolidate your debt into a single monthly payment. Their monthly payments are generally higher than those in a credit card debt relief program. Debt consolidation and management programs do report to the credit bureau as managing your credit situation for debts entered into the program. This will have an adverse affect on your credit score since credit is based on your ability to pay your own debts on time. Consolidation debt help plans also offer loans in order to consolidate your debt. They also work with bad credit debt consolidation.

You may require some essential investigation and basic steps on how to eliminate credit card debt. After you make your decision try to stick with it. Debt consolidation and management program can be just as effective as a debt settlement program. You will need to weigh the comparisons between the two popular plans. There are pros and cons with both to consider.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us about our credit card debt relief programs. One of our experienced and professional debt specialists would be glad to explain your options with no obligation. Our website is: Our staff will be available to assist you immediately.

Choosing The Right L-bracket

In days far past, when a photographer wanted to move a tripod mounted camera from landscape to portrait orientation, he or she would flip the camera to one side or another using capabilities present in most tripod heads. But flipping a camera using a tripod-mounted head can sometimes take precious time. It also means that the camera is no longer perfectly balanced on the top of the tripod causing the head to take more of the camera weight than is necessary. Also, depending on the size of the camera and the tripod being used, some photographers may find it difficult to achieve perfect 90-degree positioning. Finally, the photographer will likely need to recompose the scene after flipping the camera. Although you may think this particular problem is a trivial matter, reorienting a camera makes a big difference when taking photographs in the field under rapidly changing lighting conditions; every second counts.

With an L-bracket, photographers can change a camera’s orientation by removing camera from the tripod and remounting it on its opposite axis; no adjustments are required on the tripod head itself. This is accomplished using an L shaped Arca-Swiss style quick release plate, commonly referred to as an L-bracket.

There are many different brands of L-brackets available on the market today including products by Manfrotto and several generic import brands. However, most professional photographers agree that two of the best L-brackets are manufactured by Really Right Stuff (RRS) and Kirk Enterprises. With my recent purchase of a second Nikon D2x camera body, I felt it was a good time to compare the L-brackets provided by these two major superpowers of mounting technology.

For my last two camera bodies, the Nikon D70 and Nikon D2x, I had selected L-brackets from Kirk Enterprises. However, the Internet grapevine reported that Really Right Stuff (RRS) also manufactured excellent L-brackets. So, when I purchased a second Nikon D2x, I thought I would check the veracity of that claim. Taking this “chance” was also influenced by the fact that I had also recently purchased the Really Right Stuff B91-B flash arm. I found this product to be of very high quality and therefore assumed that I would not be disappointed with a RRS L-bracket.

This article is intended to provide you with my observations, as they relate to the Really Right Stuff BD2-L plate and the Kirk Enterprises BL-D2H L-bracket (hereafter referred to as L-brackets). These L-brackets are designed for the Nikon D2x. Both manufacturers also provide similar L-brackets designed for other camera bodies.


Port Accessibility

The Nikon D2x has data ports located on the left vertical edge of the camera. Both L-brackets provide an opening which allows access to these ports. However, the opening in vertical mount area on the RRS L-bracket is more shallow than the opening on the Kirk L-bracket. Since some photographers find it difficult to open those rubber doors when an L-bracket is utilized, I believe that many photographers would find it easer to open those doors when using the RRS L-bracket.

Really Right Stuff wins this category.


Mounting Options

The RRS L-bracket features lens axis marks engraved on the horizontal and vertical mounting areas, while the Kirk L-bracket does not have similar markings. Although some photographers might find this small detail trivial, I really like this feature. I find it particularly helpful when using other RRS components. My other RRS components also feature these axis marks. These marks can allow me to quickly and accurately align the RRS L-bracket to RRS tripod heads or flash arm mounts.

Both plates offer a 1/4″ hole on the L-bracket’s horizontal mounting area. For the RRS L-bracket, this hole is positioned directly over the lens axis. On the Kirk L-bracket, this hole is offset and not directly under the lens axis. This deficiency in the Kirk product could prove problematic if you sometimes mount your camera on plates that do not feature an Arca-Swiss mount. This potential problem is most relevant for panoramic photographers where having an accurate axis point is particularly critical.

Really Right Stuff wins this category.


Mounting Area

The horizontal Arca-Swiss mount area is approximately 55mm on the Kirk L-bracket while the RRS L-bracket boasts about 70mm of horizontal area. The vertical Arca-Swiss mount area is approximately 65mm on the Kirk L-bracket while the RRS L-bracket boasts about 70mm of horizontal area. Although I’m not certain that the extra surface area provided by the RRS L-bracket will prove more useful, I personally like the idea of a longer surface contact area for my 3 inch quick release plates.

Really Right Stuff has the slight edge in this category.


Online Shopping

I purchase almost everything online. And although I do sometimes frequent my local store for last-minute purchases, I prefer to order online if I have the time to plan my purchases. For both the Kirk and RRS sites, the ordering process isn’t very pleasant. Kirk’s site features more intuitive, utilitarian navigation while the RRS site provides visitors with a more aesthetically pleasing presentation. But in both cases, neither site evokes a strong sense of trust. And both are sadly lacking in that they do not accept American Express, my business credit card of choice. I believe that companies should not insert barriers to purchase; and the lack of support for any major credit card is a problem in my book.


Other General Observations

The RRS L-bracket is balanced so that the majority of the weight is centered on the horizontal plate. The Kirk L-bracket’s balance point is somewhere on the curve between the horizontal and vertical plate areas. In other words, when the RRS L-bracket is not mounted, its stands on its own while the Kirk plate falls onto its curved edge. Additionally, the RRS plate horizontal surface area is solid where it mounts to the camera. The Kirk plate is bored out and provides visibility to some areas of the camera bottom.

When measured on non-digital kitchen scale, both L-brackets appear to have the same weight. When working with a professional camera body like the Nikon D2x, I haven’t found the weight or additional bulk of either L-bracket noticeable.

The build quality on the L-brackets from both manufacturers is excellent. However, I feel that the RRS L-bracket seems to be more visually elegant than the Kirk L-bracket. Please note that this assessment is purely subjective and should not be weighted very heavily. I do maintain that I find both equally comfortable when shooting my camera off-tripod.



Although the differences between the Really Right Stuff BD2-L plate and the Kirk Enterprises BL-D2H L-bracket are minor, I’d have to give the slight edge to the Really Right Stuff BD2-L plate. If you’re already the happy owner of a Kirk Enterprises BL-D2H L-bracket, don’t despair. You have a great product. I plan to continue using my Kirk L-bracket on my backup D2x and mount the RRS L-bracket on my primary D2x. But if you don’t yet own an L-bracket, I’d have to point you to the folks at Really Right Stuff for an overall superior product.

As of this writing, the Really Right Stuff BD2-L plate is $183.00 with $9.15 for UPS ground shipping and the Kirk Enterprises BL-D2H L-bracket is priced at $179.95 with $7.60 for UPS ground shipping. These are steep prices for such a simple accessory, but for my style of photography, I can’t imagine taking tripod-mounted photographs using any other similarly performing product.